Meiomi Red Blend, California 750 ml

Meiomi® Red Blend red wine offers a taste of coastal California with unforgettable balance, complexity, and richness of flavor. Carefully crafted with grapes grown in California’s most notable winegrowing regions, this red blend wine offers a true expression of its varied appellations. A unique blend of varietals, each showcasing the year’s finest fruit, it is a meticulously crafted, richly layered red wine with bold character and exceptional balance. The wine opens with lifted aromas of dark, jammy fruit, sweet vanilla, and hints of dark roast mocha and juicy blackberry. Its soft, velvety mouthfeel and smooth finish make it the perfect red wine to pair with barbeque. For optimal flavor, chill this 750mL bottle of California red blend wine for 30 minutes before serving. Meiomi Red Blend is perfect for enjoying at your next get-together or while watching golf Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2024 Meiomi Wines, Acampo, CA